
What is the meaning of "la'Aretz Yihyeh Lo la'Achuzah"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: This land will be to the great one 1 for an inheritance.


Radak: This portion will be to him for an inheritance in Eretz Yisrael. The prefix Lamed in "la'Aretz" is in place of a Beis.


Malbim: His land and inheritance will be like that of one Shevet, except for separating 25,000 for Terumas ha'Kodesh.


Rashi (44:3) said that the Nasi is the Kohen Gadol. Radak and Malbim hold that he is Melech ha'Mashi'ach.


What is "Yonu"?


Rashi: It is an expression of monetary affliction ? they steal their inheritance.


Radak: Targum Yonasan is Yenisun (extorting). This includes taking man's money or body with or without his Da'as. "Lo Sonu Ish Es Amiso" (Vayikra 25:17) is without his Da'as (e.g. overcharging). With his Da'as is open extortion via force. The same applies here, and "v'Ha'achalti El Monayich: (Yeshayah 49:26), "Cherev ha'Yonah" (Yirmeyah 46:16). The coming verses discuss these.


Why will they not afflict them?


Radak: Malchei Yisrael stole and extorted the poor, in the city and in the field, like Achav took Navos' vineyard. "V'Chamdu Sados v'Gazalu u'Vatim v'Nasa'u v'Ashku Gever u'Veiso v'Ish v'Nachalaso" (Michah 2:2). They will not do so in the future when the kingship returns, for they will have a great portion in Eretz Yisrael 1 . Also, they will have a new heart to fear Hashem and guard His Mitzvos.


Malbim: Before, the king did not have his own inheritance. Therefore, he took others' fields and vineyards via force, and pained them, e.g. Achav. (Refer to 45:8:3:1*.)


Even without this, people will guard the Mitzvos, like Radak says after this - "Ki Mal'ah ha'Aretz De'ah Es Hashem" (Yeshayah 11:9)! All will be Tzadikim (Tosfos Yeshanim Yuma 13a ? this is why Rav Yosef says that we need not rule about matters that will not apply until Mashi'ach, if they arise only via Isur!) (PF)

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