
Why does it say "Ko Amar Hashem"?


Malbim: Above (43:18) taught Kaparah for the Mizbe'ach. It will begin on Adar 23 and finish on Nisan 1, like Moshe's Milu'im. Then they will begin to atone for the Bayis, until Nisan 14. Then will begin Chanukas ha'Bayis, until Shemini Atzeres.


What is the significance of "ba'Rishon b'Echad la'Chodesh"?


Radak: It is the first of Nisan, the month of Ge'ulah in which Yisrael were redeemed from Egypt. Our verse supports R. Yehoshua, who says that in the future they will be redeemed in Nisan (Rosh Hashanah 11a). They will inaugurate the Mizbe'ach on Nisan 1. According to R. Eliezer, they will be redeemed in Tishrei ? why would they delay offering on the Mizbe'ach until Nisan, and to purify and atone for the Bayis?! 'They will be redeemed in Nisan' does not mean leaving Galus ? that will be earlier. Rather, they will leave before Nisan and ascend [to Eretz Yisrael], and on Nisan 1, Binyan Beis ha'Mikdash will be complete 1 , and they will inaugurate the Mizbe'ach. So they did in the Mishkan - on Nisan 1, Aharon began serving on the Mizbe'ach; beforehand, Moshe served for seven days of Milu'im. Perhaps also here it will be so; "Yom ha'Shemini" (43:27) will be Nisan 1. On that day they will sprinkle on the Mizbe'ach and on the corners of the Azarah. However, when they ascended from Bavel they inaugurated the Mizbe'ach in Tishrei 1, and began to offer on it before the Bayis was founded.


Malbim: The Milu'im in the days of Moshe were seven days; they were 14 in the days of Shlomo, 21 in the days of Ezra, so presumably, in the future they will be 28. However, the previous Milu'im did not last (the Mishkan and first two Batim ceased), so it is proper to have additional days of Milu'im corresponding to the previous seven, 14 and 21. In all, they will be 70 days. In the days of Moshe, Chanukas ha'Nesi'im lasted 12 days after the Milu'im. It was proper that such days last 24 days in the days of Shlomo, 36 in the days of Ezra and 48 days in the future, even though they did not have such days in the days of Shlomo and Ezra, for the time was not proper. In any case they will be in the future, in all another 120 days. In all they will be 190 days ? the exact amount from Erev Pesach until Shemini Atzeres 2 , like the Gematriya of "Ketz [ha'Yamin]" (Daniel 12:13)


Why did Radak say that our verse supports R. Yehoshua? Perhaps R. Eliezer agrees that Bayis Shelishi will be finished on Nisan 1, but he calls the Ge'ulah when they will leave Galus! (PF)


Why does he include Shemini Atzeres? Verse 25 teaches special Korbanos only for seven days of Sukos! His calculation is difficult. Months usually alternate between 29 and 30 days. If so, there are 177 days from Erev Pesach until Erev Sukos (178 if we count the first and last day). Even if we add eight days until Shemini Atzeres, and even if we would say that all six months were of 30 days (an absurdity), the total is only 189! I suggest a minor change in the calculation. In the days of Moshe, the Nesi'im offered an additional 11 days after the culmination of the Milu'im (on day eight). If we will add 22, 33 and 44 for the three Batim [in addition to the days of culmination of the Milu'im], the total number is 184, like the number of days from Erev Pesach until the seventh day of Sukos, if the months alternated normally. (PF)


What is the significance of this bull?


Rashi: It is Par ha'Milu'im said at the beginning of this matter (43:19-21). Here it teaches that it will be offered on Nisan 1.


Malbim: It is to purify the Mikdash. There are many Korbanos in this Parashah and the coming Parashah unlike what the Torah commands. This contradicts a fundamental of Emunah, that the Torah will not change! R. Yochanan said (Menachos 45a) that until Eliyahu comes, no one will be able to explain this verse. This is like R. Yochanan's opinion that the Nevi'im prophesized about Yemos ha'Mashi'ach, and nature will change. Also Korbanos will change. His colleagues hold that nature and the Mitzvos will not change. The Korbanos mentioned here are Milu'im. They are different [than normal Korbanos], like they were in the days of Moshe and in the days of Ezra; they were a Hora'as Sha'ah. We must say that the Milu'im will last from Pesach until Sukos (for verse 25 discusses Korbanos of Sukos unlike the Torah says). The Ge'ulah will begin on Pesach, and last until Sukos; then will be the war of Gog and Magog.


Why does it say "v'Chiteisa"? This is from the word Chatas, but the bulls of Rosh Chodesh are Olos!


Menachos 45a: The verse discusses Milu'im (inaugural Korbanos) offered in the days of Ezra, like those of Chanukas ha'Mishkan (Rashi 1 ). Radak ? i.e. the bull of the Milu'im was a Chatas, and so it will be in the future.


R. Gershom (45a): Our verse discusses Milu'im that will be offered in Bayis Shelishi, just like in the days of Ezra they offered Milu'im resembling those of the Mishkan.

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