
Why did Yosef then call them to come close?


Rashi: He saw them retreating, so he called them in a soft tone of voice 1 and showed them that he was circumcised. 2


Seforno: So that those who heard his weeping should not overhear when he mentioned his sale. Da'as Zekenim, Ohr ha'Chayim - The Egyptians left the room, but were listening outside and heard "Ani Yosef" (45:3). Yosef did not want them to hear "you sold me," lest the Egyptians look down on his brothers (Hadar Zekenim - due to the Shevu'ah; refer to 45:1:151:2), so he drew them close and whispered it. 3


Da'as Zekenim: Even Binyamin heard "Ani Yosef." Yosef did not want him to hear "you sold me," lest they be ashamed in front of him or lest he tell Yaakov (refer to 45:12:2:1*), so he drew his other brothers to the side, and said it quietly.


Gur Aryeh: Hence the word "Na." Also see 45:4:1.1:1.


This is particularly relevant, since Yosef is called 'Yosef ha'Tzadik' because he overcame the Yetzer ha'Ra to give in to his mistress, and he was now telling his brothers that his Milah was untainted. Later in the Parshah (See Rashi to 45:12), he points out to them that he was speaking to them in Lashon ha'Kodesh as further proof that he was Yosef. In similar vein, this hints to his perfection in the realm of pure speech, in which he also excelled (See Keli Yakar on the current Pasuk). Rabeinu Bachyei (to Devarim 23:24) explains that Hashem made two covenants with Yisrael - one with the mouth and one with the Bris Milah. Yosef was now informing his brothers that he was perfect in both.


Ha'amek Davar: The Egyptians thought that Yishmaelim stole him from his father's house.


Why did Yosef mention the sale?


Seforno: To prove beyond any shadow of doubt, that he was Yosef, seeing as nobody besides his brothers knew about the sale and that he was their brother. 1


Beis ha'Levi: Refer to 45:3:1:2.


Also refer to 45:1:151:1*


Why did he repeat "Ani Yosef," and add "Achichem Asher Mechartem"?


Ohr ha'Chayim: He was unsure why they did not answer him - was it due to shame, or disbelief. If you are afraid, do not fear - I am Yosef your brother. I will act with brotherhood, as if there was no sale. "Achichem Asher Mechartem" - Even at the time of the sale, the brotherhood [that I feel for you] was not weakened. If you do not believe me - I tell you that you sold me. No one knew this, not even Nevi'im 1 !


Malbim: He was unsure why they did not answer him - was it due to (a) disbelief, (b) they still hate him, and regret that through their sale, he rose to greatness, or (c) they regretted their evil deed, to sell their brother. He said this for a Siman, in case they did not believe him. Also refer to 45:5:151:2, 45:8:151:2.


Refer to 45:1:151:1*.


How could Yosef say that they sold him to Egypt?


Moshav Zekenim (to 37:28): They caused that he was sold to Egypt.



Rashi writes: "'Please, approach me' - He saw them retreating backwards... he called to them with gentle, pleading words, and showed them that he was circumcised." How does Rashi derive all of this from one phrase - "please, approach"?


Gur Aryeh: We know they must have been about to retreat, for Yosef had to call them gently, with the word "please." But they had not yet actually backed away, for Yosef would not have let them do so (and Yosef would then have said outright, 'Please do not retreat!'). Yosef also said to "approach;" this means to approach even closer, to show them he was circumcised.


Rashi writes that he showed them that he was circumcised. What proof is this? Rashi (to 41:55) wrote that Yosef made all the Egyptians circumcise!


Moshav Zekenim #1: Only the poor Egyptians circumcised, but not the rich. 1


Moshav Zekenim #2, Gur Aryeh (to 45:12): What would be their source to circumcise, if not from the Avos?! 2


R. Chaim Paltiel: The Egyptians circumcised, but they did not do Peri'ah (fold the skin back). Moreover, to an Egyptian, circumcision was of no significance, in which case he would have seen no reason to point it out.


This seems unlike he brought above (43:7) from R. Yehudah ha'Chasid, that also the rich ran out of money and came to Yosef for food. (PF)


Gur Aryeh (ibid.) gives an additional answer; refer to 45:12:1.7:1.

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