
How did all of Egypt hear?


Ohr ha'Chayim (to 45:1): He screamed very loudly. This shows that he was not concerned for his own shame, rather, that of his brothers. 1


Malbim: He could not refrain from crying when he told everyone to leave. "V'Lo Amad Ish" is a Ma'amar Musgar (parenthetical comment). From the crying, they understood that it was a great matter; they found out that these are his brothers only later.


Ha'amek Davar: He said, "Ani Yosef, ha'Od Avi Chai" (45:3) with emotion and crying. Those outside his house heard, and from there word went to Beis Pharaoh that Yosef found his relatives. Later, it became known that his brothers came.


Even though most Egyptians did not understand Ivri, surely word spread via those who did understand. (PF)



Rashi writes: "'Va'Yishma Beis Pharaoh' - I.e. Pharaoh's servants and household [heard]; it does not mean his house in the literal sense!" Why might I have thought such a thing?


Gur Aryeh: Perhaps the verse means that the crying was heard 'b'Veis Pharaoh' - in Pharaoh's house - and then the word house can be taken literally? 1 But if so, the verb would have to be in the passive (Nif'al) construct - 'va'Yishama' - and it was heard. 2


Which is in fact how Rashi explains verse 45:16 below (which is in Nif'al form - "Nishma"). (CS)


Being that a house itself does not hear! Since this verb is in simple form ("va'Yishma"), it must mean that the household members heard. (EK)

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