
What is the meaning of "Ro'eh Efer [Lev Husal Hitahu]"?


Rashi #1: His heart, which mocked, tilted him to make for himself a shepherd of ashes. The image that half was burned and became ashes, was for him a shepherd and leader.


Rashi #2: Ro'eh is an expression of Rei'us (companionship). He serves idolatry, and joins to it idolatry 1 that is ashes.


Radak: One who makes the idol to serve it, he tends ashes. I.e. he engaged in something that will not help him. This is like "Efrayim Ro'eh Ru'ach" (Hoshe'a 12:2).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: This that he fears is half ashes.


Malbim: This is one who does not know that man has a Divine Nefesh that is very elevated, that it is not conceivable that man should bow to the inanimate or vegetative. He conducts ashes and the body. This is like "u'R'e Emunah" (Tehilim 37:3), "Ro'eh Ru'ach." Such a person, it is not astounding that his heart jests and deceives him, until he considers himself less than the idol!


Most texts of Rashi say 'Avodas Acherim'; some texts have the abbreviation Ayin-Aleph. Perhaps Rashi means that he serves idolatry such as stars, and joins to it serving idols, which are like ashes. (PF)


What is the meaning of "Lev Husal Hitahu"?


Rashi: Refer to 44:20:1:1.


Radak #1: Husal is an adjective (deceived).


Radak #2: If it has a Patach [under the Sov, like in our texts, it is a verb;] there should be a Dagesh in the Sov, but this is the Kal conjugation, like "Hesel Bi" (Bereishis 31:7). The Yetzer ha'Ra, which deceives him, tilted him to a bad path.


Malbim: Refer to 44:20:1:5.


Whom does he not save?


Rashi: The one who was misled, he does not save himself, to say "Sheker is in my right hand", and separate from it.


What is the meaning of "Sheker bi'Ymini"?


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: What I did with my right hand is Sheker.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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