Why does it say "Atem u'Nesheichem"?
Radak: He addressed the men. However, it says va'Tedabernah (feminine) because the primary action (Haktarah) was of the women.
Malbim: Do not say that only your wives did this. You engage in idolatry with them!
What is the meaning of "va'Tedabernah"?
Radak: The prefix Vov is in place of Ka'asher, like the Vov in "Im Lo Yisbe'u va'Yalinu", "v'Sifsei Renanos Yehalel Pi" Tehilim 59:16, 63:6).
What is the meaning of "uvi'Ydeichem Mileisem"?
Radak: This is like Ken Mileisem b'Yedchem.
Malbim: Do not say that your deeds are unlike your words. You spoke with your mouths and fulfilled with your hands. The entire house agreed to the sin - the man and woman, and the entire body, speech and action!
Why does it say "Aso Na'aseh"?
Malbim: "Aso Na'aseh Es... Asher Yatza mi'Pinu" (verse 17) shows that they consider it like a vow to do a Mitzvah - "Lo Yachel Devaro" (Bamidbar 30:3)
Why does it say "Takimnah Es Nidreichem"?
Malbim: One can regret his vow, and if he is not Mekayem it, it is uprooted retroactively. However, you are Mekayem 1 it and fulfill it in action!
Via regret, a Chacham or Beis Din can uproot a vow, whether or not he fulfilled it. It seems that 'Mekayem' is affirming. Kiyum prevents a husband from annulling his wife's vow. It does not prevent Hatarah via regret, but as long as he affirms it, he does not regret it. (PF)