
Why does the Torah write "va'Ya'amos Ish Al Chamoro" (in the singular) and not 'va'Ya'amsu Al Chamoreihem'?


Rashi: To teach us that they were extremely strong, and that each one was able to lift the heavy sack onto his donkey without assistance.


Why does the Torah say that they returned to the Ir (town) as if it was an ordinary town, when in reality, it was the capital of Egypt?!


Rashi: As far as they were concerned, it was just like a regular town of ten people regarding war (if they will need to fight to get Binyamin).


Why does the Torah mention that they tore their garments?


Hadar Zekenim: Because they (put blood on Yosef's robe, and) caused Yaakov to tear his garments for no need, Hashem caused the same to them. And the man, (Menasheh 1 ) who caused them to tear, his Shevet was torn, half in Ever ha'Yarden and half in Eretz Yisrael proper.


Refer to Bamidbar 32:33:2:2 and the note there.


Why does it say that they tore "Simlosam"? (Regarding Reuven (37:29), it says "Begadav"!


Ha'amek Davar: This was not a real obligation to tear all their clothes; 1 it was merely due to pain.


Above (37:29), Ha'amek Davar explained that Yaakov tore Simlosav, i.e. all his important garments, even what he was not wearing at the time. Reuven tore only Begadav (what he was wearing then)! This requires investigation. (PF)

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