
Who was the manager of Yosef's household whom the Torah declines to mention by name?


Rashi (on Bereishis Rabah) and Targum Yonasan: It was Menasheh. He carried out all his father's affairs, and Yosef appointed him overall manager of his entire estate.


Why did Yosef instruct the man to place each man's money inside his sack?


Ramban and Seforno: He did this with the brothers' knowledge, 1 to compensate them for having forced them to bring Binyamin down with them. 2


Ramban: Otherwise, they would have suspected him of rigging up the incident to cast suspicion on Binyamin.


Ramban: And it is for the same reason that he ordered him to fill their sacks to capacity (which was more than what they paid for). Oznayim la'Torah: It is possible that, after placing the money in their sacks, the man left, leaving the brothers to tie their sacks themselves. This would have given Binyamin the opportunity to steal the goblet and place it inside his sack, thereby giving credence to the accusation that he had indeed done so.


How did people normally buy grain in Egypt?


Ramban: Because many purchasers came from afar, they would hand in their sacks to the man in charge of the sales with the money inside. He would then fill the sacks according to the sum of money that he found in the sacks. He did his work on trust and returned the sacks to their respective owners sealed shut, so that the owners did not know what the sacks contained. 1


Ramban: This explains how the brothers received their sacks on both occasions without actually knowing what was inside them.


Why did Yosef say, "Malei Es Amtechos... Ka'asher Yuchelun Se'es"?


Ha'amek Davar: Give as much as they can carry, and not based on the amount they paid. 1 Yosef now knew that they put the grain in the Amtachos rather than a Sak (refer to 42:27:3:5).


Why does he say so? Perhaps each paid for as much as his sack can hold! Perhaps it is because Yaakov said "buy a little food" (43:2). (PF)

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