
Why will they distance their Zenus?


Rashi: This is Bal Korcham (against their will) ? I made a border around [My Mikdash, in which they may not dwell].


Radak: They will have a new heart to fear Me.


Malbim: The city will be far from the Mikdash.


Why will Pigrei Malcheihem be distanced?


Radak: They will distance their houses for the honor of My house. "Mimeni" is from the place of My Mikdash.


Refer to 43:9:1:3.


Why does it say "v'Shachanti v'Socham l'Olam?


Malbim: The primary Shechinah will be amidst Bnei Yisrael. One who serves Hashem, he is Mekadesh the Shechinah and its strength. However, nowadays when Melech ha'Kavod comes to dwell among them Kodesh, a wall divides Him from them ? the body and its Tum'ah, which separates the Nefesh from its G-d. Even though Hashem is close to them, and the Saf of His house is next to the Saf of their houses, the wall of Tum'ah and sins divides them. Therefore, He commands to distance their Zenus and Pigrei Malcheihem, who are like Mesim, and the Supreme Kohen cannot enter their houses due to Tum'ah. After they do so, He will dwell among them; Shechinah will rest on their Nefashos.

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