
Why does it say both "Yakarta" and "Nichbadta""?


Radak: The matter is repeated.


Malbim: Yakar is based on not being abundant, e.g. fine gold and pearls. Nichbad is based on its own attribute. Ne'ehav is via finding grace. You are Yakar in My eyes due to the source of your Nefesh, which is in a high place, You are Nichbad due to your Torah and good deeds. I love you based on desire. These correspond to "Yisrael Avdi Asher Becharticha Zera Avraham Ohavi" (41:8).


When will Hashem put a man in place of you?


Rashi: He regularly does so.


In what way are others in place of you?


Radak: They will be eradicated, and Yisrael will be saved and leave Galus.


Malbim (3-4): "Tachas" is the same type. Galus Kush was in place of Galus Yisrael - they deserved absolute Galus. The Nefashos of Kush were in place of them. The verse says, not only did I put Egypt in place of Yisrael when they did not deserve Misah and Galus - even when they deserved them, I put Kush and Seva in place of you. An individual will be in place of your body. Nations will be in place of your Nefesh and Neshamah, which are from above.

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