
Where was this wall?


Rashi: It separated between the chambers and the outer Chatzer in the east.


Radak: It was opposite the chambers.


Vilna Gaon: It surrounded the Bayis. The Geder and chambers separate Chatzer ha'Chitzonah from Ezras Yisrael.


Malbim: The 20 Amos outside the wall of Chatzer ha'Penimi, opposite the Heichal and Ulam, received Kedushas ha'Azarah for Shechitas [Kodshim Kalim] and eating Kodshei Kodoshim. Lishkos ha'Esrim were built there, for the length of the 100 Amos of the Ulam, Heichal and Kodesh ha'Kodoshim. Also 20 Amos outside the gate of Ezras Yisrael received Kedushas ha'Azarah for Shechitah and eating Kodshei Kodoshim. The Ulam stood at the northern gate of Ezras Yisrael, 18 Amos from the gate. The width of cells extended 12 Amos, and [the wall of] the Ulam was six, and also two Amos in front of the Ulam were Kadosh ? this is 20 in all. However, the 20 Amos opposite Kir Chatzer ha'Penimi, opposite the Binyan, there stood Lishkos ha'Esrim. However, the 20 Amos opposite Kir Chatzer ha'Penimi of Ezras Yisrael, there were not Kadosh chambers, for there stood the cells of the gate which extended 40 Amos from the gate. In order to distinguish between Kadosh and not Kadosh, they made a fence called "Gederes ha'Ginah" (12). This wall shielded Kodshim from being disqualified via leaving [their permitted place].


Why does it say "Asher la'Chutz Le'umas ha'Leshachos"?


Vilna Gaon: This wall was opposite the chambers.


Malbim: "Gederes ha'Ginah" (12) was 50 Amos, from the middle of the northern gate of Ezras Yisrael until the end of Ezras Yisrael, opposite the start of the wall of the Ulam. In the Chatzer in front of the Binyan and Gizrah, stood Lishkos ha'Me'ah, which was 50 Amos wide, in front of Lishkos ha'Esrim, which were Kadosh, and there was a path of 10 Amos from them to Lishkos ha'Me'ah which were not Kadosh, and one passed through an opening of one Amah to go from one to the other. Similarly, the Chatzer in front of Ezras Yisrael had chambers 50 wide (Lishkos ha'Chamishim) in the form of Lishkos ha'Me'ah (just Lishkos ha'Me'ah were 100 long and 50 wide, and these chambers were 50 by 50). There was a path of 10 Amos from the Kadosh wall to Lishkos ha'Chamishim, and at the beginning of the Kadosh wall in the east, one entered Lishkos ha'Chamishim via an opening of one Amah (their primary opening was to the north, just like Lishkos ha'Me'ah) in the southeast corner.


What do we learn from "Derech he'Chatzer ha'Chitzonah"?


Vilna Gaon: By this wall was a path to Chatzer ha'Chitzonah from Ezras Yisrael.


What do we learn from "El Pnei ha'Leshachos"?


Vilna Gaon: It is opposite the chambers.


Malbim: It is on the eastern side, which is called Panim.


What is the significance of "Arko Chamishim Amah"?


Rashi: It was from north to south.


Radak: It was like the length of the chambers.


Malbim: It was opposite these chambers, from their beginning until their end in the west. (They were only 50 long - refer to 42:8:2:3.)

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