
Why do the Kohanim come to here?


Rashi: They come to the chambers to eat.


Malbim: They do not go directly from Chatzer ha'Penimi to Chatzer ha'Chitzonah or vice-versa. Rather, they go via the chambers, and change their clothes in the chambers.


When are they forbidden to leave?


Rashi: While they are wearing Bigdei Kodesh. Radak ? they may not go to "Chatzer ha'Chitzonah", i.e. Ezras Yisrael 1 , which is outside Ezras Kohanim, which is more Kadosh than it and inside of it. Until now, Chatzer ha'Chitzonah referred to Ezras Nashim 2 .


Some Avodah must be done in Ezras Yisrael, e.g. to put Dam Asham Metzora on the ear, thumb and toe of a Metzora standing in Ezras Nashim, next to Ezras Yisrael! Perhaps Radak holds that this does not require Kehunah. Or, he agrees that they may wear Bigdei Kehunah in Ezras Yisrael when necessary, just they must be careful to avoid touching Bigdei Chol (refer to 42:14:4:1*). (PF)


What forced Radak to say that here is different? Perhaps it is because Yisraelim are often in Ezras Yisrael (refer to 42:14:4:1*). (PF)


Where do they change their clothes?


Vilna Gaon: In the chambers. Malbim ? it is understood that when they enter the Kodesh, they wear the Bigdei Kodesh that they left in the chambers when they left.


What is the meaning of "v'Karevu El Asher ha'Am"?


Rashi: They may come close to touch the nation's garments, if they want, but they may not do so when wearing Bigdei Kodesh. They have attributes of Taharah, and Chulin garment are considered Tamei to them. Radak ? Yisrael entered Ezras Yisrael; they entered Ezras Kohanim only for Semichah, Shechitah and Tenufah 1 . Kohanim wearing Bigdei Kodesh were not allowed to touch the Am's garments, which are Chulin. Yonason translates 'they mix with the nation.'


I.e. since Yisrael are seldom there, Kohanim can be careful not to touch their garments. (PF)

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