
What do we learn from "Hashem Chafetz Lema'an Tzidko Yagdil Torah v'Yadir"?


Megilah 27a: "V'Es Kol Beis Gadol" is where we cultivate Torah (a Beis Midrash) - "Yagdil Torah v'Yadir."


Makos 23b: Hashem wanted to bring merit to (some explain - refine) Yisrael, therefore He gave to them many Mitzvos.


Chulin 66b: The Torah could have written just Kaskeses (for every fish with scales has fins 1 ). It wrote also Senapir for grandeur.


Rashi: He wants to show you and open your eyes for the sake of His virtue. Therefore, He increases and strengthens Torah for you.


Radak: He does not do so for your sake, to increase His Torah in the days of the Ge'ulah, and strengthen it - "Ki Mal'ah ha'Aretz De'ah Es Hashem" (11:9). Then, the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf will hear. Now, they are deaf, blind and disgraced. The nation is plundered, and does not understand that it is due to their sins.


Malbim: There are two ways to bring a proof. (a) They go from the start to the outcome, from the cause to the result. (b) They go from the outcome and the result to the start and cause. That generation asked about Hashem's ways. He gave Yisrael many more Mitzvos than the seven of Bnei Noach. This was not in order to make it hard for them to find happiness and eternity, rather, to vindicate them and bring merit to them, via many means and ways to reach the greatest happiness. They will cling to Hashem and He will oversee them. The people ask, we find that Yisrael are lowly and plundered. It seems that the Torah is why their neighbors fight them and plunder them!


Tosfos (66b) says that a tradition from Sinai teaches this. If so, Senapir proves that Hashem gave the Torah. No human could know this from investigation, like the Gemara says (60b) about the Shesu'ah - PF.)

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