
Why does it say "Leimor"? Also, it should have said 'Lo Neshev ba'Aretz ha'Zos Ki Eretz Egypt Navo.' Why does it interrupt "l'Vilti Shemo'a..."?


Malbim: There are two reasons why they would not want to heed Hashem. (a) They do not want to dwell in the land; they want to leave it. (b) They want to go to Egypt. They desire to be there. To the first applies "l'Vilti Shemo'a..." - Hashem promised to benefit you [in the land], and you want to leave it! To the latter applies "Leimor" - they want to be in Egypt to avoid war. Other lands had war with Nebuchadnetzar, who conquered all lands of Surya after the Churban. In Egypt there was not war or hunger.


What is "Kol Shofar"?


Rashi: Lookouts sound the Shofar to warn people [that enemy troops are coming].

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