
What is the significance of the provisions for the journey with which Yosef provided his brothers?


Ramban: This was so that they would not need to eat the provisions that they had purchased on the journey home. Yosef informed them about the gift, to encourage them to return together with their brother, and told them that if their claims turned out to be well-founded, no harm would befall them.


Malbim: It was lest they need to open the sacks on the way. 1


I.e. he did not want them (except for Levi - refer to 42:27:3:4) to notice that their money was returned. (The Malbim explained there that the money was in a small Keli at the bottom. Even if they did not get food for the way, and opened the sacks on the road to take some grain, they would not notice that their money was returned! This requires investigation. - PF)


Why does the Torah begin in the plural, "va'Yemal'u Es Keleihem Bar" (they filled); and end in the singular "va'Ya'as... Ken" (he did so)?


Ha'amek Davar: Because providing them with the grain that they had purchased was performed by the many storehouse workers (Oznayim la'Torah - Yosef's servants) who did so for all the purchasers; whereas placing provisions for the journey together with the brothers' money he handed over (clandestinely) to the trusted house servant. 1


Presumably, Menasheh. (EC)


Why does the Torah begin with an action - "va'Yemal'u Es Keleihem Bar;" and end with a command "ul'Hashiv Kaspeihem..."?


Ohr ha'Chayim #1: The one who filled their sacks with grain did not know about returning the money; the latter was the trusted house servant. 1


Ohr ha'Chayim #2: They openly filled their sacks with grain, but the money was returned covertly.


Ohr ha'Chayim #3: He commanded to return the money and give food for the road after the sacks were filled, lest the filler be stingy and not fill the sacks so much.


Refer to 42:25:2:1.


Why does the Torah need to teach this? (PF)

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