
If they do not fulfill, why "Tamusu" (in plural, i.e. 'you will all die')? Yosef kept only one of them?


Seforno: Yosef was letting them know that his power extended to Eretz Kena'an too, and that even there he was able to have them killed. 1


Ohr ha'Chayim #1: If you are lying; you may not hand over one of yourselves 2 (for he will be killed), and all of you will die (refer to 42:19:151:1).


Ohr ha'Chayim #2: If you fulfill, I will give to you grain, and you will not starve.


How would Yosef be able to find them? If they are spies, surely they did not reveal where they truly live! We do not find that Yosef had any power in Kena'an! (PF)


Even if this Halachah applies also to Bnei Noach, if they are spies, who says that they will fulfill this Halachah? (PF)


Why does it say, "they did so"? They brought Binyamin only later!


Riva: Since they accepted to fulfill Yosef's command, the verse credits them as if they already fulfilled it.


Oznayim la'Torah: It means that despite the Halachah 1 prohibiting ten men from handing over one of them if Nochrim demand that they hand over one of them or they will kill them all, they agreed; (a) on condition that nine of them are permitted to return home and one of them remains incarcerated - seeing as, since they would all be allowed to live, and even the one who they would pick would be no worse off than before, 2 and (b) by accepting the offer, they would save their families from starvation.


Ha'amek Davar: They prepared to choose one to leave in prison - but it was difficult, for captivity can lead to death, and if Nochrim ask a group 'give us one of you; if not, will kill all of you,' they may not comply (Yerushalmi Terumos 8:4)


Oznayim la'Torah: Yerushalmi Terumos 8:4.


As Yosef explained to them - See Oznayim la'Torah.


Why does it say, "v'Ye'amenu Divreichem"? Above (42:15), it says "Tibachenu"!


Malbim: Before, Yosef suggested bringing a good proof of their claim (they would send a Shali'ach from Egypt telling their brother to come). The current test (nine brothers will return, and come back with their brother) is not such a solid proof. Perhaps they will take a stranger; or they have many brothers at home (and therefore their father was willing to send 10)!



Rashi writes: "v'Ye'amenu - [Your words] will be 'Emes' and 'Kayam.'" What is Rashi adding?


Gur Aryeh: The word "Ye'amenu" is in future tense. Can something become true only in the future, without being true already now? Rather, "Ye'amenu" means being verified as the truth.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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