
What is "Al Pnei ha'Heichal"?


Rashi: It is along the width of the Heichal. Radak ? it was 20 Amos, just like in Bayis Rishon and Bayis Sheni.


Why did he say "Zeh Kodesh ha'Kodoshim"?


Malbim: In Bayis Sheni, they were unsure about [the Kedushah of the Amah between the Heichal and Kodesh ha'Kodoshim ? in Bayis Rishon, a wall (Traksin) occupied it. The verse here informs that only this is Kodesh ha'Kodoshim, but the two Amos of the wall are not Kodesh ha'Kodoshim; they pertain to outside 1 .


Surely in Bayis Sheni they knew this, but were unsure if we may learn to Bayis Sheni from this. (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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