
What is "ha'Mizbe'ach Etz"?


Targum Yonasan: Opposite the Mizbe'ach was the wooden Shulchan. Rashi ? I heard that nowadays, [one's table] atones like the Mizbe'ach [used to].


Radak: It is a Mizbe'ach unlike those of Moshe, Shlomo and the exiles who returned from Bavel. It mentions another Mizbe'ach with different dimensions (43:6). Perhaps [that] is the inner Mizbe'ach which Moshe made of gold.


Malbim: Also Moshe's Mizbe'ach, was of wood, but covered with gold, and much smaller. Yechezkel was not shown anything covered with gold. He saw only the wood destined to be covered.


What are "Miktzo'osav"?


Rashi: Its legs.


Radak, Malbim: Its corners, i.e. its measure.


Vilna Gaon: Its corners, i.e. it was not round.


What is "Arko"?


Rashi: Its roof. This is the [surface of] the table itself 1 . Radak ? he could not say that it is its length, for length is not a matter that can be of wood, silver or gold.


Radak: "Arko" refers to above "u'Miktzo'osav Lo." It is as if it says Im Arko. Miktzo'osav (its corners) are mentioned with the measure of its length; the verse did not give the width.


Malbim: This is where one measures its length!


Do we know its width?


Radak: The verse did not give the width.


Malbim: Presumably, it was two Amos, for it must be square ? "Rabu'a Yihyeh" (Shemos 27:1).


What are "Kirosav"?


Rashi: Masgerosav (its rims). Metzudas David ? these are walls fixed from leg to leg under the tabletop.


Vilna Gaon: Its sides were like walls, on which to put the top plank.


Malbim: Its walls - this is where one measures its height.


Why does it say "Zeh ha'Shulchan Asher Lifnei Hashem"?


Rashi citing Brachos 55a: When the Mikdash stands, the Mizbe'ach atones for the sins of Yisrael. After the Churban, [hospitality done on] one's table atones.


Avos 3:3: If three ate on a table and said Divrei Torah, it is as if they ate from Hashem's table. If they did not say Divrei Torah, it is as if they ate from Zivchei Mesim.


Radak: The Mizbe'ach is called a Shulchan.


Malbim: The only Kli of the Mikdash that He showed to Yechezkel was the Mizbe'ach, which was Batel at the time of the Churban and will return in the future ? only then, Hashem will desire Korbanos. He did not show to him the Menorah, which is a sign of Hashem's light, nor the Shulchan, which is a sign of influence of food from Him. These are not Batel also nowadays! The last Navi saw a gold Menorah with a round flask on it (Zecharyah 4:2), i.e. Hashem's light, which always influences on the seven branches of Atzeilus 1 . Yechezkel did not see a Shulchan in the Mikdash, for it is in front of Him also at the time of Churban. All flesh constantly eat on the King's table and are satiated from His good. Therefore, the Menorah and Shulchan are not found among Kelim hidden for the future Mikdash, which stands above. The verse teaches that the Shulchan's Midos will be like the Mizbe'ach's. He also told him that the Mizbe'ach is wooden without a plating, and one cannot burn Ketores on it, for it is in place of the wooden Shulchan on which Lechem ha'Panim is constantly in front of Him 2 .


I.e. an emanation from a source, in which nothing is detracted from the source, e.g. something ignited from a flame. (PF)


Perhaps Malbim means that Hashem explained that the Mizbe'ach, which is Batel now, when we will use it, it will also bring the influence that we receive even nowadays from the Shulchan, which is also Lifnei Hashem. (PF) The MiZBe'aCH is MeZi'aCH (diverts harsh decrees), MeZin (feeds), MeCHaVev (endears), and Mechaper (atones) (Kesuvos 10b).

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