
What is "Mezuzas Revu'ah"?


Rashi #1: I heard regarding Bayis Rishon that there is a threshold below, doorposts on each side, and a lintel above 1 .


Rashi #2: The doorposts were square (rectangular 2 ).


Radak, Targum Yonasan: The Mezuzah of Pesach ha'Heichal was square ? some make it round.


Malbim #1: Every opening had four Mezuzos, because it had two doors; it had two Mezuzos on each side 3 .


Malbim #2, based on Melachim I, 6:33: The Heichal had the fourth door with a Mezuzah. Before it were Chatzer ha'Chitzonah, Chatzer ha'Penimi and the Ulam. It says there (31) that the Dvir was "Mezuzos Chamishis" ? the fifth door with a Mezuzah.


Rashi in Melachim said so about "Mezuzos? Revi'is" (Melachim I, 6:33). Regarding "Mezuzos Chamishis" (ibid. 31), he said that there is a threshold, two doorposts, and the lintel was made like two.


Rashi (Melachim I, 6:31): "Mezuzos Chamishis" have five sides.


I.e. there was a door at the beginning (outside) of the opening (with one Mezuzah on each side of it), and another door at the inside of the opening. (PF)


Why does it say "Mezuzas" with a Sav at the end? It is not Samuch!


Radak: The Sav is in place of a Hei. The same applies to "Al Titeni Fugas Lach" (Eichah 2:18). It applies to both Mezuzos; it is singular, for it refers to the Klal.


What is the meaning of "u'Fnei ha'Kodesh ha'Mar'eh ka'Mar'eh"?


Targum Yonasan: The face of the Dvir, its appearance was like the dear appearance. Rashi ? i.e. Kisei ha'Kavod that I saw in the Merkavah on the Kevar river, and Ohr Nogah in the Kodesh ha'Kodoshim.


Radak, Vilna Gaon: The opening of Kodesh ha'Kodoshim, i.e. Pnei ha'Kodesh ? the appearance that I saw on its Mezuzos is like the appearance that I saw on the Mezuzos of the Heichal.


Malbim: When he looked at Pnei ha'Kodesh, it became for him like a Mar'eh (mirror) in which one sees what is opposite it. He saw like the vision of the Merkavah. The vision that brought him to Eretz Yisrael was in the vision of the Merkavah ? "b'Mar'os Elokim Hevi'ani" (40:2). He saw that the visions of the Merkavah that he saw were marked in Pnei ha'Kodesh. The Divine vision appeared like seeing in a mirror.

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