
Why did Yosef begin his statement with the words "Chalom Pharaoh Echad Hu"?


Seforno: To corroborate what Pharaoh already knew, 1 that the two dreams that he dreamt were really one - which is why the interpreters were unable to interpret it.


Malbim: This is one of three ways in which Yosef assumed unlike the Chartumim. (a) They explained two dreams - really, they are one. (b) They explained that it is matters that will affect him personally; Yosef said that it affects the Klal (nation). (c) They explained via metaphors; Yosef explained simply, that it teaches about grain. 2


Refer to 41:8:2:1.


But Yosef also explained the cows to be a metaphor for plowing! Refer to 41:2:1:1 and the note there. (PF)


Why does the Torah here (in connection with the seven good years) use the word "Higid" (He told); and in 41:28 (in connection with the seven years of famine), the word "Her'ah" (He showed)?


Rashi (to 41:26): Because whereas the former were about to begin immediately, the latter would only occur seven years later, and "Her'ah is more appropriate.


Oznayim la'Torah: With regard to the years of famine, he said "Higid," which has connotations of 'Kashin ke'Gidin' (hard like sinews) - an apt description of the famine.


Malbim: 'Hagadah' is telling directly, and not through parables and riddles (like the other interpretations). It adds "Her'ah," for Hashem doubled the dream to show that it will begin immediately.


What is the significance of Yosef's words, "What Hashem is going to do, He has informed Pharaoh"?


Rashbam: Hashem informed Pharaoh of what He plans to do, obligating him, as king, to prepare for the forthcoming events for the good of the nation. 1


Seforno: The dream was a personal message to Pharaoh concerning what He was about to do 2 - something that the interpreters did not catch.


Kol Eliyahu: The interpreters explained that the dreams pertain to Pharaoh himself (daughters, conquering countries). They did not explain that it refers to famine, which would not affect him. Yosef knew that the dream was for the world. He was worried lest Pharaoh not heed him if it does not affect Pharaoh. Yosef explained that Hashem showed Pharaoh, for a king must seek the good of his country, and find a Chacham to gather grain.


Ohr ha'Chayim, Oznayim la'Torah citing Berachos 55a: Hashem Himself announces about three things - satiation, hunger and a good leader. 3 What Hashem will do Himself, and not via a Shali'ach, He has informed Pharaoh - the years of plenty, of famine, and "Pharaoh should find a man" (41:33). Even though he did not say who the man will be, since Hashem withheld the interpretation from all the Chachamim and revealed it through Yosef, clearly it should be Yosef. Hashem informed Pharaoh, for he can solve the problem (find a man...)


Malbim: What Hashem will do to the Klal, he informed Pharaoh, who rules over many nations. 4


Ha'amek Davar: He is explaining why the Chartumim could not interpret it. All true dreams come from Ba'al ha'Chalom, who knows what was said in back of the curtain (above). Chartumim know through demons, who also hear in back of the curtain (Chagigah 16a). Yosef said that here is a prophecy from Hashem, just like Hashem spoke to Avimelech, Lavan and Bil'am, but there He spoke directly, and here via a parable. Therefore the Chartumim did not know, only someone with Ru'ach Elokim.


Refer to 41:27:1:1.


Refer to 41:25:3:1.


Oznayim la'Torah: See Shemos 31:2.


I do not know the source that Pharaoh ruled over other nations at the time. (PF)


Here it says "va'Yomer Yosef." Below, it says "Dibarti El Pharaoh" (41:28)!


Ha'amek Davar: Yosef should have spoken strongly (Dibur), because Hashem's word was very important. Due to honor of the king, he spoke softly.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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