
Why did Pharaoh inform Yosef that he was standing "on the river bank," and not 'on the river' (see 41:1)?


The Vilna Gaon: He dropped his facade of divinity. 1 How could he claim to be a god if he couldn't even interpret his own dream? 2


Oznayim la'Torah (to 41:1): Yes, he dreamt that he was standing on the river. 3 However, the dream left him in a state of awe of Hashem, and he no longer dared to claim that he was superior to his god. 4


Ha'amek Davar (based on Bereishis Rabah 89:3): Pharaoh asked Yosef - 'Do I stand on my god (the river), or does my god stand on me (i.e. who supports whom)'? Yosef said, you stand on your god (like you truly dreamed). Refer to 41:1:4:4.


Refer to 41:1:4:2.


The Midrash relates that when Yosef repeated the dream to him, he cited the correct version, at which Pharaoh asked him whether 'he had been with him in his dream.'


Refer to 41:1:4:2 4



Also refer to 41:2:2.1:1.

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