
When did he say so?


Radak: When he was cured and saved from his afflictions. He said in his heart, 'You do not desire Korbanos, rather, that I do what You commanded me.'


Malbim: "Az" means, had You not commanded about Korbanos in the Torah, I would have found it written Alai - in my heart. My intellect and emotions of my Nefesh recognize the obligation to return thanks to one who benefited us.


What do we learn from "bi'Mgilas Sefer Kasuv Alai"?


Yevamos 77a: David said, when I was anointed, I thought that my grandeur was just starting; I did not realize, it was already written in the Torah about me. It says "ha'Nimtza'os" (Bereishis 19:15) about Lot's daughters (David descends from Rus, from Mo'av), like it says "Matzasi David Avdi" (Tehilim 89:21).


Gitin 60a: The Torah was given one Parshah at a time - it is called "Megilas Sefer."


Rashi: At the time of Matan Torah, I said in front of You 'I came to You in Your Bris - "Na'aseh v'Nishma" (Shemos 24:7). This testimony is written about me in Megilas Sefer - in the Torah of Moshe.


Radak: [I came] to fulfill everything written about me [and all of Yisrael] in the Sefer Torah.


Malbim: Refer to 40:8:1:2.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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