
How can the Torah write "Va'avad'tem Sham Elohim", implying that Yisrael will sin?


Rashi, Ramban #1, Rashbam (all citing Targum Onkelos) and Targum Yonasan: It is referring to being subservient to the idol-worshippers - which is considered as if one is subservient to the gods themselves.


Ramban #2: It hints that whoever lives in Chutz la'Aretz is under the jurisdiction of another god, 1 and it is therefore automatically considered as if he is worshipping idols. 2


Refer to Vayikra, 18:26:1:1.


This also explains why the Torah adds the word "Va'avadtem Sham Elohim".


Why does the Torah not add the word "Elohim Acherim", as it usually does when referring to idolatry?


Ba'al ha'Turim (citing Avodah Zarah 8a): This hints at the fact that Yisrael in Chutz la'Aretz serve idols 'be'Taharah' (unaware that they are worhipping Avodah-Zarah). 1


Avodah Zarah 8a: A Nochri makes a feast in honor of his son's wedding, and invites all the Yisre'elim. Even though they eat their own food and drink, and a Yisrael serves them, the Torah considers this an idolatrous feast - as the Torah writes in Ki Sissa, 34:15. "ve'Kora l'cha ve'Achalta mi'Zivcho".


Why does the Torah list the four senses (hearing, sight, taste and smell)?


Ramban #1: It mentions hearing and sight, to point out that the gods that they worship are not deities at all - since they do not see their troubles or listen to their Daveners, and adds that they are devoid of even the most physical senses of taste and smell, thereby rendering them inferior to those who manufacture them, unchanged from the stones that they were before they were manufactured.


Ramban #2: In contrast to Hashem, their gods cannot see the troubles of their adherents or listen to their Daveners, and that they are incapable of even emitting fire to consume the sacrifices that they place before them or to smell the fragrance of their offerings.


Seforno: The Torah is telling us here that the gods of the nations have no will of their own and are unable to fulfil the functions that their manufacturers can. 1


Riva: Taste and smell refer to acceptance of Korbanos - as the Torah writes in Shemini"va'Teitzei Eish


Seforno: Despite the fact that those who manufacture them make them with the vessels with which one expresses one's freewill (eyes, ears, a mouth and a nose), and worship them and Daven to them in the hope that they will respond. In fact, other than Hakadosh-Baruch-Hu, the only creature that has freewill is man - not animals, which act by instinct.


Why is there a 'Nun' at the end of "Yir'un, Yishme'un, Yochlun and Yerichun"?


Ha'Kesav ve'ha'Kabalah: The commentaries say that they are redundent. In fact,, the suffix 'Nun' is used when speaking to females. 1 It also denotes the passive 2 since active is masculine, and passive is feminine. Idols are totally passive, so a feminine form is appropriate for them.


Such as 'Asisen' and 'Yedaten'.


Such as 'Nikra' and 'Nishbar'.


Why does the Torah omit speech from the list?


Kol Eliyahu and Divrei Eliyahu: Shir ha'Shirim Rabah (1:9) and the Zohar cite an episode in which Nevuchadnetzar made an image and placed the Kohen Gadol's Tzitz in its mouth. It began saying 'Anochi Hashem Elokecha', and, when Daniel ordered the Tzitz to leave, it left, and the Tzelem stopped talking. The Torah here is hinting at this, since the image lacked the other senses, but was able to speak. 1 Seek Hashem Elokecha


See also Oznayim la'Torah.

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