
Why does it say "Kulach Yafah Rayasi"?


Seforno: This is like it says "Asher Baneinu ki'Nti'im


What do we learn from "[Kulach Yafah Rayasi] u'Mum Ein Bach"?


Torah Temimah citing Kidushin 76b: Just like Beis Din are clean from transgressions, they must be clean from all blemishes (of lineage). Therefore, if one was on the Sanhedrin, we need not check his lineage.


Seforno: This is like it says "Ein Peretz v'Ein Yotzeis" (Tehilim 144:14). From all this it is clear that Hashem is with you when you are with Him, [even] without the Mishkan and its Kelim - anyone who engages in Torah, he does not need Olah or Minchah


Rashi (22:23): In Saru'a, one limb is longer than its counterpart. In "Kalut", the hoof on a foot is not fully split. (This is not a blemish in people; Malbim cites it metaphorically. - PF)

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