
Why does it discuss "Mayan Ganim"?


Rashi: All this refers to "Shelachayich


Perush Rashi Mefurash: This is like texts of Rashi that say 'b'Mayan'. According to texts that say k'Mayan, even her Beis ha'Shelachin is like a garden irrigated via a spring.


Why does it mention that they flow from Levanon?


Rashi: It is from a clean place, without mud.


Malbim (Melitzah): The Nefesh is a spiritual entity that conducts with intellect, flowing with Chachmah, Da'as and Ru'ach Hashem. From it they draw water of eternal life via investigation, Avodah and Taharah. Then the bodies draw water of intellect and eternal life from the Kadosh Source whose waters do not cease. The water comes from the Mikdash - the abode of Ruchos and Nefashos.

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