
Why does he praise the dead more than the living?


Shabbos 30a #1: The Avos' merit helped where Moshe's merit did not. Moshe said many prayers to save Yisrael after Chet ha'Egel, but was not answered until he said "Zechor l'Avraham l'Yitzchak ul'Yisrael Avadecha" (Shemos 32:13).


Shabbos 30a #2: Normally, a mortal officer decrees, and people might not fulfill it. And even if they fulfill it, this is only during his life, but not after his death. Moshe made many decrees and enactments, and they always endure.


Shabbos 30a #3: David asked forgiveness for his sin [with Bas Sheva], and Hashem granted it. He gave a sign of this only after David died. When Shlomo built the Beis ha'Mikdash, he could not bring the Aron into the Kodesh ha'Kodoshim, for the gates clung to each other and would not let it enter. He sang 24 praises to Hashem; they remained closed. When he said "Zochrah l'Chasdei David Avdecha", they opened.


Rav Sadya Gaon: It is like the previous verse said (the living are oppressed, and no one helps them).


Rashi: He praises those who died before the Yetzer ha'Ra ruled over them to push them off from Hashem, e.g. the Avos and David (refer to 4:2:1:1, 3).


Ibn Ezra: This refers to the oppressed. A man accepts what is from Shamayim, but he cannot bear that a man like himself oppresses him; he prefers death to life.


Rashbam: The dead were already exempted from every affliction and evil thought. The living are still distracted with follies of the world.


Ri Kara #1: They do not see evil deeds.


Ri Kara #2: No one oppresses [Rid - or insults] them.


R. Avigdor: Ha'Mesim is Dor ha'Mabul. Ha'Chayim are Sedom and Amorah.


Seforno: Ha'Mesim are those who died at the time of the Churban, before Galus.


Metzudas David: They do not know of this (oppression) and are not pained over it.


What is the grammatical form of "v'Shabe'ach"?


Ibn Ezra: It is an adjective, like "Yarei Ani" (Daniel 1:10). There is a Patach under the Ches, since it is a guttural letter 1 .


Rashbam: It is like Leshabe'ach; I engage in praising the dead.


Magihah (in Toras Chayim): Normally, there is not a Patach under the last letter of the root.


Here, he praises the dead more than the living. Below, it says "l'Chelev Chai Hu Tov Min ha'Aryeh ha'Mes" (9:4)! Also David said "Lo ha'Mesim Yehalelu Kah" (Tehilim 115:17)!


Shabbos 30a: David arouses one to glorify Hashem by engaging in Torah and Mitzvos while he is alive, for he cannot do so after death; "ba'Mesim Chofshi" - once someone dies, he is exempt from Torah and Mitzvos. Shlomo praised the dead - refer to 4:2:1:1-3.


Ibn Ezra (7:3): Here, he discusses the oppressed. Below is what people say 1 ; the previous verse said "v'Gam Lev Bnei ha'Adam Malei Ra v'Holelus bi'Lvavam" (9:3).


People say that the living are always better. This is not always true; for the oppressed, death is better. (PF)


Why does it say "Adenah"?


Ibn Ezra, Rashbam: It is as if it says Ad Henah; a Hei is omitted.


Rid, Metzudas Tziyon: It is like Adayin (still).

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