
Why does it say "Tov"?


Ibn Ezra: After it finishes explaining the Kesil, that even if he has great wealth, it is Hevel - it mentions that the good is a Chacham, even if he is poor.


What is "Yeled Misken [Chacham]"?


Rav Sadya Gaon, Rashi #2: It is a poor youth.


Rashi #1, citing Koheles Rabah: It is the Yetzer Tov. It is called Yeled, for it comes to man only after 13 years (it is younger than the Yetzer ha'Ra). It is called Misken because the limbs do not heed it like they heed the Yetzer ha'Ra. It is Chacham - it causes man to go in the good path.


Ibn Ezra, Rashbam: Misken is poor 1 , like "Asher Lo v'Miskenus" (Devarim 8:9). Yeled, Misken and Chacham are the opposite of Zaken, Melech and Kesil. Ibn Ezra - Yeled - every day he increases Chachmah.


Seforno: This explains why I praised investigation amidst company of investigators. A youth, without much experience, and Misken - he did not receive much from his Rebbeyim due to the sparse time (that he has been learning), but he is a Chacham - he has proper reasoning, which he acquired debating with his colleagues. He became like an overpowering spring!


Rashbam: It cannot mean Chacham, like "he'Mesukan Terumah" (Yeshayah 30:20), "hal'Kel Yiskan" (in order to sew two stitches 22:2), and the verse gives two words for Chacham. This cannot be, for the note under Misken is a pause; it is separated from Chachamim.


What is the significance of "Yeled Misken Chacham"?


Refer to 4:13:2:2, 4.


Rid: The Chacham is better than the Kesil, even though he has two drawbacks 1 . Ri Kara - it is not common for youths and Aniyim to be among Chachamim. Even so, he is better than the "Melech Zaken u'Chsil", who has two advantages.


Rashbam: Misken cannot mean Chacham, like "he'Mesukan Terumah" (Yeshayah 30:20), "hal'Kel Yiskan" (Iyov 22:2), and the verse gives two words for Chacham. This cannot be, for the note under Misken is a pause; it is separated from Chacham.


Metzudas David: Normally, words of a youth and Ani are not heeded so much. Still, he better than a Kesil, even if the Kesil is Melech and old in years - reasons why his words would be heeded.


What is "Melech Zaken u'Chsil"?


Rashi citing Koheles Rabah: It is the Yetzer ha'Ra. It rules over all the limbs. It is Zaken - it enters a baby from when it is born - "la'Pesach Chatas Rovetz" (Bereishis 4:7). It is Kesil - it makes man stray to the bad path.


Seforno: Melech - he has bundles and bundles of Mishnah and opinions of Chachamim of the generation. Zaken - he saw many deeds, from which he can acquire experience. Kesil - he does not have proper reasoning.


What is the significance of "Asher Lo Yeda [Lehizaher Od]"?


Rav Sadya Gaon: He will never know to be proper.


Rashi #1: The Zaken (Yetzer ha'Ra) does not accept rebuke.


Rashi #2, Ibn Ezra: [He does not know to be careful] because he grew old in [Rashi - evil and] Kesilus (folly).


Rashbam: He does not know to be careful and a Chacham, because he is a Kesil. This is like "Ki Evvil Ami Osi Lo Yada'u Banim Sechalim Hemah" (Yirmeyah 4:22).


Ri Kara: Not only was he not careful in his youth - also in his old age, just like in his youth!


Seforno: He does not know how to attain (learn) more than what he already has.


Metzudas David: Re-arrange this to say Asher Od Lo Yeda Lehizaher. He still does not know to be careful about his deeds, for he considers himself to be a Chacham. If he recognized his level and was careful, it would not be so bad.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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