
If Yerushalayim sinned more than Sedom, was Hashem partial to Yerushalayim [to leave a remnant, unlike Sedom? Alternatively - that He sent the fire through a Shali'ach, and not by Himself?]


Sanhedrin 104 #1b: Regarding Sedom it says "...Siv'as Lechem...v'Yad Oni v'Evyon Lo Hechezikah" (Yechezkel 16:49). Regarding Yerushalayim it says "Nashim Rachamaniyos Bishlu Yaldeihem" (below, 10): This attribute of Yerushalayim (women would share the flesh of their children with others) partially atoned for it, so it was punished less than Sedom.


Sanhedrin 104b #2: Yerushalayim was punished harsher than Sedom - "Nashim Rachamaniyos Bishlu Yaldeihem" (10)!


Rashi: Really, Yerushalayim's punishment was worse (refer to 4:6:2:1). This is why our verse 'infers' that.


Ibn Ezra 1 : "Avon" and "Chatas" refer to the reward (punishment) for sin, just like Korbanos Chatas and Asham [do not refer to the sins themselves. Yerushalayim was punished more.] Ri Kara - Hashem punished Yerushalayim with extended hunger.


Refer to 4:6:3:3. 2


Palgei Mayim: Hashem answers, Yerushalayim was punished more (refer to 4:6:2:1, 4:6:3:1) because its sin was worse. Sedom sinned before the Torah was given, so it is considered only Chatas (Shogeg); Bas Ami is considered Mezid.


According to the Magihah in Toras Chayim.


Ri Kara citing Bereishis Rabah 28:5: Another source that Yerushalayim's sin was worse is "Beis Yisrael vi'Yhudah Gadol bi'Me'od Me'od" (Yechezkel 9:9); Sedom's sin was "Kavdah Me'od" (Bereishis 18:20).


Why does it say "ha'Hafuchah Chemo Raga"?


Rashi: Sedom's affliction did not last (it was destroyed in a moment).


What is the meaning of "v'Lo Chalu Vah Yadayim"?


Rashi: The enemy's hand did not rule over it 1 . Ibn Ezra #2, Ri Kara #2 - this is like "Al Rosh Resha'im Yachul" (Yirmeyah 23:19).


Ibn Ezra #1: Chalu is [fear,] like "Chil [Achaz Yoshevei Pelashes]" (Shemos 15:14).


Ri Kara from Bereishis Rabah 28:5 and Eichah Rabah 4:13: Sedom did not send their hands for Mitzvos. Not one's hand gave Tzedakah to an Oni's hand, therefore it was destroyed in a moment. Yerushalayim sent their hands for Mitzvos - "Nashim Rachamaniyos Bishlu Yaldeihem [Hayu Livros]" (10). They did not cook their children. Rather, they took buns from their children in order to give the Seudas Havra'ah (an Avel's first meal after burial of his relative) to their neighbors. The verse attributes as if they cooked their children.


Ri Kara: Rather, angels destroyed it in a moment.

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