
Why does the Torah add the (otherwise superfluous) word "Im Keves Yavi Korbano" (which it does not do by the Olah, the Shelamim or even by the goat of the Chatas)?


Temurah, 15a: To teach us that, if, after someone is Makdish his Chatas it gets lost he is Makdish another one and he finds the first one, he may bring whichever one he pleases. 1


Not both, since the Pasuk concludes "Yevi'enah" - in the singular (Temurah, Ibid). And the second animal must die. See Torah Temimah, note 119.


Why does the Torah add the word "Veshachat osah le'Chatas"?


Zevachim, 9b: To teach us that, if one Shechts a Chatas in the name of another Korban ? even a Chatas Cheilev in the name of a Chatas Dam, the Korban is Pasul. 1


Torah Temimah: Unlike all other Korbanos (except for the Korban Pesach, where she'Lo Lishemo is Kasher.


Why does the Torah change from "Veshachat es ha'Chatas" (in Pasuk 29) by the goat to "Veshachat osah le'Chatas" by the lamb)?


Oznayim la'Torah: To remind the owner that, even though he is bringing the lamb to convey the impression that he is bringing an Olas Nedavah, 1 he should remember to Shecht it in the name of a Chatas to avoid rendering it Pasul. 2


Refer to 4:23:151:2.


Oznayim la'Torah: And it is for the same reason that, in Pasuk 34 ? in connection with the Kabalas ha'Dam - the Torah writes "Velakach ha'Kohen mi'Dam ha'Chatas", to remind the Kohen that he is bringing a Chatas and not an Olas Nedavah. See Oznayim la'Torah.

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