
What are the implications of the sequence "O Hoda Eilav Chataso Veheivi... "?


Rashi (in Shabbos 72a): It implies that if the sinner brings his Chatas before he knows for sure that he sinned it does not atone (and he is obligated to bring another one).


Having stated "Venod'ah ha'Chatas" (in Pasuk 14, in connection with the Chatas Tzibur), why does the Torah see fit to repeat "O Hoda eilav Chataso" by the Chatas Nasi (in Pasuk 23) and here by the Chatas Yachid?


Kerisos, 26a: To teach us that if he discovered his sin only after Yom Kipur, he is Chayav to bring a Chatas. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 112.


Why does the Torah add the (otherwise superfluous) word "Korbano"?


Kerisos, 27b: To teach us that, if a father designates his Korban Chatas and dies, his son is not permitted to bring it for his own personal sin. 1


And certainly not for his father's sin. See Torah Temimah, note 113.


What are the implications of "Korbano ... al Chataso"?


Kerisos, 27b: It implies that if one designates a Chatas to atone for a specific sin one cannot bring it for a different one. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 114.


Seeing as the Torah generally discusses the sheep before the goat, why here, does it discusss the goat first?


Kerisos, 28a: To teach us that they are both equal. 1 ?


Rashi: And that someone makes Neder to bring a Korban and possesses a sheep and a goat may bring whichever one he pleases. See also Oznayim la'Torah, who gives two additional reasons as to why the Torah mentione a goat first specifically here by a Chatas.


What are the implications of the (otherwise superfluous) words "al Chataso asher Chata"?


Shabbos, 71b: It implies that the sinner is obligated to bring a Chatas for each sin that he sinned. Consequently, if he forgot and ate two k'Zeisim of Cheilev ? in the event that he remembers them separately, he is obligated to bring two Chata'os. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 115.


What age must the goat of a Chatas Yachid be?


Sifra: In its first year ? which we learn from the Chatas Avodas-Kochavim, in Sh'lach-l'cha, Bamidbar, 15:27 where, after specifying a goat in its first year, adds "Torah Achas Yih'yeh lachem la'Oseh bi'Shegagah".

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