
Why was David happy when their grain and wine increased?


Rashi (7): I do not envy them. [Rather, I think] if so happens to those who anger [Hashem], how much the more so for those who do His will, in the future, which is the time to receive reward!


Radak: I felt Simchah over their good. They bestow bad in place of good - they feel Simchah over my misfortune!


Malbim: The famine stopped.


Did Hashem put the Simchah in his heart? He chose to be happy over their good fortune!


Radak: If one comes to purify himself, [Shamayim] helps him (Yuma 38b). It is good to rejoice in the good fortune of one's colleagues (and even one's enemies - PF). Hashem helps one who goes in this way!


Malbim: Via giving to them prosperity, Hashem caused David to rejoice. (It seems that also Rashi explains so - PF.)

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