
The Shibalim were not mentioned above!


Radak (11): We learn from here that they were in the vision.


What is the significance of "Shibalei ha'Zeisim"?


Radak (12, 14): Two branches fell from the tree. They were pressed into the gold Tzanteros. The oil falls from the Tzanteros to the Gulah, then to the Mutzakos, then to the Neros. The branches are like Shibalim (sheaves), for they are full of individual olives, just like sheaves are full of wheat kernels. The olive-trees hint to Zerubavel and Yehoshua. The Shibalim that come out of them are their deeds - they began building the Bayis.


Malbim: These are olives that grow on a cluster, like sheaves. There was one cluster for each Tzanter. Oil squeezed from the cluster goes via pipes to the Gulah.


What are "Tzanteros"?


Radak: They are Kelim, like flasks.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: They are gold Iskritvan (wafers). Targum Onkelos of "k'Tzapichis bi'Dvash" (Shemos 16:31) is Iskreitavan bi'Davsh. Radak (14) - they hint to Ezra and Nechemyah, who will come after (Yehoshua and Zerubavel). Via the four of them, light and good came to Yisrael.


Malbim: They are pipes to lead the oil from the olive trees to the Gulah.


What is "b'Yad Shnei Tzanteros"?


Rashi: It is by them. This is like "Re'u Chelkas Yo'av El Yadai" (Shmuel II, 14:30).


Radak: It is inside them.


Do they empty gold from them?!


Rashi: They empty this clear oil, which is good to illuminate like gold, like "mi'Tzafon Zahav Ye'eseh" (Iyov 37:22).


Radak: The oil is clear like gold. We find similarly "Kos Zahav Bavel b'Yad Hashem" (Yirmeyahu 51:7).


Malbim (12, 14): The Zeisim and Shibalim were not of gold, rather, of olive-wood, for they represent people - "ha'Adam Eitz ha'Sadeh" (Devarim 20:19). Only the pipes were of gold, and the oil that came via the Tzanter to the Gulah appeared like gold. They hint to the influence that comes from their deeds. It draws a Divine miraculous desire that is compared to gold.

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