
How will He gather all the Goyim?


Radak: He will put in their hearts to come with Gog and Magog. So it says "va'Havi'osicha Al Harei Yisrael" (Yechezkel 39:2). Malbim - we learn there that Hashem will arouse Bnei Edom to fight Bnei Yishmael.


What is the significance of "Emek Yehoshafat"?


Rashi: I will descend to the depth of Din. Yehoshafat hints to Mishpetei Kah.


Radak: The war will be there. This valley belonged to Yehoshafat. Perhaps he built something there, or did an act, and it was called on his name.


Malbim: It is the valley where Gog's multitudes will fall. It is called so because "v'Nishpateti..."


What is the meaning of "v'Nishpateti"?


Radak: I will enter judgment with them, and rebuke them for doing evil to Yisrael when Yisrael were exiled among them. Malbim - even though Hashem decreed exile on Yisrael, they increased evil in two ways. (a) Refer to 32:4:2. (b) They considered Yisrael to be their acquisition - they divided Eretz Yisrael [among themselves], as if it is their inheritance, and considered Yisrael to be their slaves, and whatever a slave acquires, his master acquired it.


Who scattered them among the nations?


Radak: Titus and his camp. They destroyed Eretz Yisrael, and scattered its residents among the nations.


Malbim: Many times Yisrael were amidst a nation, and they expelled Yisrael or decreed to forbid Mitzvos (thereby forcing them to leave). They did not find rest in the lands of their enemies, and were scattered to all ends of the land.

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