
Why does it mention here that Egypt will be desolate?


Radak: It mentions Egypt due to Yishmaelim. Yishmael's wife was a Mitzris - "va'Tikach Lo Imo Ishah me'Eretz Egypt" (Bereishis 21:21). Also his mother was Hagar the Mitzris. Therefore, the nation's lineage is attributed to Egypt. Many nations mixed with Yishmaelim; they are called on the name of the primary nation. They and Edom did evil to Yehudah and Binyamin, who were exiled among them. They spilled their blood like water. This verse was said about our Galus. Therefore it mentions only Yehudah, for Melech Ashur exiled the 10 tribes, and they did not return until today; Egypt and Edom did not rule over them.


Malbim: Egypt includes all who believe in the creed of Yishmaelim. The primary destroyers of Bayis Rishon were Ashur and Bavel, who later accepted the Emunah of Egypt. The first war of Gog and Magog will be in Egypt; Edom will come against them and destroy them, like it says in Yechezkel. Then, it will be desolate.


Why does it mention Churban Edom after Egypt?


Rashi: Punishments are put next to each other. If not for Egypt, there would not be [a remnant of] Edom - "Ki Shishah Chadashim Yashav Sham Yo'av... Ad Hichris Kol Zachar b'Edom; va'Yivrach Adad Hu va'Anashim Adomiyim...; va'Yimtza Hadad Chen b'Einei Pharaoh...; va'Hadad Shama b'Egypt Ki Shachav David...; va'Yhi Satan l'Yisrael Kol Yemei Shlomo" (Melachim I, 11:16-17, 19, 21, 25). Hashem said, I will eradicate this one and this one (Egypt and Edom).


Radak: It mentions Edom due to Malchus Romi. They, and Yishmael, were powerful until the time of the Ge'ulah. It 1 is the fourth Chayah in Daniel's vision (7:7). Also Yeshayah mentions Edom, in Parashas "Kirvu Goyim" (34:1-6), which is about Churban Romi. Most of Malchus Romi are Edomim, even though many nations became mixed with them. The Kaiser was Edomi, and also all the kings after him.


Malbim: After Edom destroys Egypt, Yishmaelim will destroy Edom; Edom will be a desolate Midbar, like I explained in Yechezkel (Perakim 32, 38-39).


I.e. Romi, like Rashi, the Rambam and Ramban explain. (PF)


What was "Chamas Bnei Yehudah"?


Rashi: Due to the Chamas that Nochrim did to Bnei Yehudah - they killed them.


Malbim: Due to the Chamas to (against) Bnei Yehudah in the two Churbanos.


Why is there an Aleph at the end of "Naki"?


Radak: We find like this elsewhere - "v'Al Titen Aleinu Dam Naki" (Yonah 1:14). It is like words with a silent Aleph at the end, e.g. Nasi, Navi.


Whose land is discussed?


Radak #1: Bnei Yehudah.


Radak #2: Egypt and Edom.

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