
What Ru'ach is in her wings?


Rashi: Wind sticks to her wings like a bird; the wind does not let it rest, until it takes her afar. So the enemies will come against them and exile them.


Rashi citing Tanchuma: This is like one who threatens his friend '[I swear] in your life, I will bind this for you in Kenafecha 1 .


Radak: This is like a man who binds wind in his corners [of his garment] ? when he unties them, he does not find anything. So Efrayim persisted in serving the calves and hoped to get benefit from it, and found only damage and lack. It says Tzarar (masculine) and bi'Chnafeha (feminine), for the Am (nation) is masculine, and the Edah or Kehilah is feminine. The singular is used for the Klal, and the plural ("v'Yevoshu") for the individuals.


Radak citing his father: The Ru'ach wrapped Adas Efrayim in its wings, to take it to Galus. Ru'ach is masculine (it is the subject of Tzarar) and feminine (it says bi'Chnafeha).


Malbim: This is a spirit of intoxication, Zenus, Ru'ach Ra'ah and disgrace. This bird wrapped it in her wings and carried it above, to fly from its land to Ashur and Egypt ? "k'Of ha'Shamayim Oridem" (7:12).


This expression appears in Vayikra Rabah 11:6. I.e. I will guard this, and ultimately punish you for this.


Why will they be ashamed of their Korbanos?


Rashi: This refers to their Korbanos to idolatry; the idol does not turn to (show any sign of accepting) them. Just like the word "Chata'ah" (Bereishis 20:9) comes from Chet, so Zivchah 1 comes from Zevach ? the places where they slaughtered Korbanos. And so Yonason translates 2 .


Rashi citing Tanchuma: This verse threatens Yisrael ? My Kin'ah is bound, and My anger is to take vengeance in the end, and they will be ashamed of their deeds.


Radak, Malbim: All the Korbanos that they offered to the calves will be a shame for them, for no good came from them, only evil.


Radak: Its grammatical form is like Simlah, and Zivchosam is like Simlosam.


The Targum is Igorei, which is normally the translation of Mizbechos. (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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