
How did Hashem give to him "Es Shnei Avonam l'Mispar Yamim"?


Rashi: I was lenient for you - you will suffer only one day for each year that I 'suffered' from their sins.


Rashi based on Targum Yonasan: Shnei means two. I gave to you twice their obligation 1 .


Malbim: A day was considered like a year, for they are similar. The sun goes around the earth each day from east to west, and each year from west to east. During all of these times they were under nature and the Ma'arachah; their changes are recognized only over the course of a year, when the four seasons pass. Therefore, a year is considered like a day.


Radak: This is astounding. (I.e. if so, why was it only 390 days? The 10 tribes did evil for more than 200 years! Perhaps initially evil kings forced them; only later, they willingly did evil. Rashi says that the 10 tribes lasted 243 years. If we deduct the reigns of its first three kings, 195 years remain (refer to 4:5:2:1-2), exactly half of 390. (PF)


What is the significance of 390?


Rashi citing Seder Olam: These are the years of Yisrael's sin from when they entered the land until the 10 tribes were exiled. You find explicitly 243 from when Yaravam reigned until Hoshe'a ben Elah [and the 10 tribes with him] were exiled, and 111 years during the Shoftim. The remaining [36] years are not explained.


Rashi citing Rav Yosef Rosh Yeshivah: Ten tribes 1 sinned from the days of Yehoshua until Sancheriv exiled [the 10 tribes] from Shomron. There were eight years until Kushan Rish'asayim, 18 under Eglon, 20 under Sisera, seven under Midyan, 18 under Bnei Amon, 40 under Pelishtim - these are 111. From [Pesel] Michah until the Aron was captured in the days of Eli were 40 years. There were 22 years under Yaravam, two under his son Nadav, 24 under Basha, two under his son Elah, 12 under Amri, 22 under Achav, two under his son Achazyah, 12 under his brother Yehoram, 28 under Yehu, 16 under Yeho'achaz, 16 under his son Yeho'ash, 41 under his son Yaravam - until here are 350. There were 10 under Menasheh ben Gadi, two under his son Pekachyah, 20 under Pekach ben Remalyahu, and nine under Hoshe'a ben Elah. His last year does not count, for Shomron was captured that year, so there are 390.


Radak: These are the years that they sinned. From Yehoshua until Shimshon, in all there were 111 years between Shoftei Yisrael during which they sinned and Nochrim ruled over them. There were 241 years of evil Malchei Yisrael from Yaravam until Hoshe'a ben Elah. Pelishtim ruled over Yisrael during 20 years of Shimshon - "ha'Lo Yadata Ki Moshelim Banu Pelishtim" (Shoftim 15:11), for Yisrael were sinning. Even though Shimshon saved them, it was not a total salvation, for their hearts were not complete with Hashem. The last 18 years (to complete 390) are not explicit. Some were in the days of Shamgar; the salvation was small - "bi'Ymei Shamgar? Chadlu Arachos" (Shoftim 5:6), and in the days between Shimshon and Eli - "Ein Melech b'Yisrael Ish ha'Yashar b'Einav Ya'aseh" (Shoftim 21:25). Pesel Michah was made then, like I explained in its place.


Malbim citing Mahari: There were 390 years from Yaravam until Churban ha'Bayis. (Refer to 4:6:3:1.)


The 10 tribes separated from Yehudah and Binyamin in the days of Rechav'am ben Shlomo. Perhaps before this, Yehudah and/or Binyamin were among 10 tribes that sinned, and one or two of the other tribes did not sin. (PF)

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