
Why does it say "Darkech u'Ma'alalayich Aso


Malbim: If evil comes upon one not due to his deeds, his heart is consoled, for he has hope that Hashem will save the oppressed, for He is Elokei Mishpat. Your primary evil and affliction is that the affliction came on you via your evil deeds!


What is the meaning of "Aso"?


Rashi: {It is your way} to do [these deeds].


Radak: [Your way and deeds] caused all this evil, that the enemy will destroy your land. "Aso" is Makor (like an infinitive; it is as if it says Asah or Asu 1 .


Minchas Shai: The Mesores says that it says Aso; texts that say Asu are mistaken.


Why does it say "Zos Ra'asech


Radak: Your evil caused this bitter matter that came on you, to the point that it touched your heart.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: [Your bad way and ruinous deeds caused] this evil, and rebellion came upon you, Yerushalayim, until the evil of your heart is broken.


Malbim: Evil that comes upon one not due to his deeds, is only on his body, but not on his heart, which is full of hope. This affliction touched your heart, which knows that you caused it.

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