
What is the meaning of "Hashei Hisheisa"?


Rashi: They enticed. This is like "ha'Nachash Hishi'ani" (Bereishis 3:13). The false Nevi'im prophesized that they will have Shalom.


Radak #1: Since You delayed Your anger at the time false Nevi'im who deceived the nation and entice them and say that there will be Shalom, it is as if You enticed them. Most of the Am think that [the false Nevi'im] have Hashem's word, and they waver, to listen to me or to them. Most follow them, for they are the majority.


Radak #2: (You enticed the false Nevi'im.) This is like "Ani Hashem Piteisi Es ha'Navi ha'Hu" (Yechezkel 14:9), like I explained there 1 .


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: The false Nevi'im entice


Radak (14:9): This will be the Navi's punishment; he will be enticed. This is like "Mi Yefateh Es Achav" (Melachim I, 22:20). It is arousal of spirit of desire, for the false Navi is Chayav Misah for matters that he does covertly, like we find that Achav ben Kolayah and Tzidkiyah ven Ma'aseyah (29:21) had adultery with their friend's wives, and other evil matters, covertly. In order to reveal them to people, Hashem brings downfall through them and covert sinners in many matters. One of them is the false Nevi'im. They glorified themselves with Nevu'ah, and Hashem aroused their desire to make known their Sheker and rashness. When Hashem punishes them, people justify the punishment. This is the meaning of "Ani Hashem Piteisi Es ha'Navi ha'Hu" and "veha'Elokim Inah l'Yado" (Shemos 21:13).


Why does it say "la'Am ha'Zeh veli'Yrushalayim"?


Radak: It is the nation mentioned, and in particular Yerushalayim, which is primary.


What is the meaning of "v'Nag'ah Cherev Ad ha'Nafesh"?


Radak: The enemy's sword began killing the nation - not merely taking captives and spoils. How can [the false Nevi'im] say that there will be Shalom?!


Malbim: They will say that due to You, people did not fear Melech Bavel, and therefore the sword is killing. If not, they would have given to him a bribe and tax, and this would suffice!

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