
Who are "Anshei Tamid"?


Rashi: They are designated for this. Yisrael will separate people to pass through the land to gather the scattered [dead of Magog who were not buried].


Radak, Malbim: Yisrael will separate people to pass through the land constantly to seek dead bodies, to bury them.


Why does it say "Mekaberim Es ha'Overim"?


Rashi: Es ha'Overim is like Im ha'Overim (Targum Yonasan). Together with ha'Overim (passersby), they bury the dead bodies that block the passage. Those who cross the sea bury them for their benefit (to be able to pass through).


Radak: The separated people will tell those who pass through, wherever they are, to help them to bury the remaining bodies that will not be killed in the canyon; most were killed there.


Malbim: They will bury soldiers that passed through the land and died in a plague. They will be buried in their places, to be Metaher those places.


Who are "Es ha'Nosarim Al Pnei ha'Aretz"?


Rashi: They are far from the passage; those who cross the sea do not engage in burying them. Those who are designated and separated for this will bury them.


What will be at the end of seven months?


Rashi: The multitude of seen dead bodies will finish being buried. From then and onwards they will search in the land in hidden places ? in fortresses and between thorns. They will bury what they find.


Radak: They will finish the search for bodies.


Malbim: They will cease to search for bodies, for the flesh is already consumed, and the Chayos and birds will eat them until that time. After this they will not bury the bones where they find them, only they will seek if there are bones to mark their place.

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