On what grounds did Potifar merit that his house became blessed?
Oznayim la'Torah (citing R. Moshe ha'Darshan): Because he placed it in the charge of Yosef 1 and Yosef's house was worthy of blessing, 2 even though Potifar and his wife were steeped in immorality (which generally leads to poverty - Sotah 4b).
Berachos 42a: In Yosef's merit - because "with Talmidei Chachamim comes Berachah." 3
How long did Yosef remain in Potifar's house?
Da'as Zekenim, Hadar Zekenim: He was there for one year - ba'Bayis in winter, u'va'Sadeh in summer. Seder Olam says that he was one year in his house, and 12 years in the dungeon. 1
Hadar Zekenim later retracted. Refer to 40:1:151:1* .
Why does it say "Beis ha'Mitzri"?
Malbim: Even though he was in a Mitzri's house, which inhibits success of Hashgachah, it was blessed due to Yosef. 1
What do we include from "b'Chol Asher Yesh Lo ba'Bayis uva'Sadeh"?
Malbim: "B'Chol Asher Yesh Lo" includes the property he had beforehand; "ba'Bayis" - expenditures; and "ba'Sadeh" - income.
Ha'amek Davar: After appointing him over his house, he appointed him over "Kol Asher Yesh Lo." It is as if it is written 'Kol Asher Lo, v'Chol Yesh Lo', i.e. all his property, and his service of the king (refer to 39:4:152:2 ).