
What are the connotations of "va'Yar Adonav... Ki Hashem Ito"?


Rashi: His master saw that Hashem's Name was constantly 'on his tongue' 1 - a clear indication that all his successes were Divinely inspired.


Ramban #1: His master saw that Yosef succeeded in everything that he undertook, over and above the normal success-rate, and his master attributed this to Divine assistance.


Ramban #2 (citing Bereishis Rabah 86:5): His master actually saw that the Shechinah was with him. 2


Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: Refer to 39:2:1:1.


Seforno: Refer to 39:2:1:2.


Malbim: Even though Yosef was also "Ish Matzli'ach" (i.e. he had natural success - 39:2), Potifar noted only "Ki Hashem Ito" (his supernatural success). Yosef succeeded in "Kol Asher Hu Oseh" - even things that by nature should not succeed.


Ha'amek Davar: He realized that the success is because Hashem was with him, for only what was "b'Yado" (under Yosef's jurisdiction) succeeded.


Oznayim la'Torah: Following which each transaction was crowned with success - so he put two and two together.


Ramban: Either in a vision or in the form of a Cloud (which appeared in honor of Yosef). Prior to that, he had attributed Yosef's successes to witchcraft, which was common in Egypt. Also see Gur Aryeh (39:3:1.1:1*).



Rashi writes: "'That Hashem was with him' - i.e. that the Name of Heaven was constantly on his lips." Why doesn't Rashi explain simply, that Hashem was with Yosef, and he was successful (in the same sense as in Bereishis 26:28)?


Gur Aryeh: That is the meaning of the conclusion of the Pasuk, "... and whatever he would do, Hashem would make it successful." This first half of the verse must therefore mean something else - that Yosef would constantly invoke the name of Hashem. 1


Gur Aryeh points out that the Midrash explains differently - that Yosef's master perceived that the Shechinah was with him. Does an Egyptian perceive the Shechinah?! The Midrash explains that Yosef would enter and leave Potifar's presence constantly whispering. If Potifar requested a warm drink, it would be warm, and if he [suddenly] requested a cold drink instead, it would be cold! He suspected Yosef of using incantations and sorcery. Hashem revealed His Shechinah over Yosef, so his master would realize that what he was constantly doing was praying to Hashem.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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