
Why did he say "Ki Amarti


Rashi: We are quiet, for we say in our hearts 'if we answer them brazenly, perhaps they will see us fall, and rejoice over us, and say 'you boasted about your salvation!'


Radak: I was quiet, lest You not answer me, and they will rejoice over my downfall.


Malbim: This refers to verse 22. It is proper that You not abandon me, for if You do, they will rejoice over us, and say 'you boasted about your salvation!'


Why does it say "b'Mot Ragli Alai Higdilu"?


Radak: They already taunt me, and all the more so if I will totally fall!


Malbim: Once, my foot slipped a little, and they magnified the matter and said that I became blemished, and I will always limp and be pained. This shows how much they hope for my fall. How much will they rejoice when I am truly ill!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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