
How much is a Kikar? Why does the Torah reckon one thousand, seven hundred and seventy-five Shekalim as a partial Kikar?


Rashi (in Pasuk 24) and Rashbam: 1 Kikar actually equals 60 Manah, and a Manah = 25 Sela'im (Shekalim), 1 in which case 1 Kikar = 1500 Shekalim. Only since a Manah shel Kodesh is double that of a Manah shel Chol, 1 Kikar = 3000 Shekalim. 2


The Shekalim mentioned in the Torah are all Sela'im. Throughout Shas, 1 Sela = two Shekalim = four Dinrim (See Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan on Pasuk 26).


Otherwise, the total should have amounted to two hundred and one Kikar and eleven Manah. See Torah Temimah, citing Bechoros, 5a.


What did they do with any silver that was donated voluntarily?


Rashi (in Terumah): They used it to manufacture K'lei Shareis.


Da'as Zekeinim, Hadar Zekenim and Moshav Zekenim: The voluntary silver went to a storehouse for Bedek ha'Bayis and towards the needs of the Tzibur and for Korbanos Kayitz ha'Mizbe'ach - Moshav Zekenim).


Why does the Torah say "Kesef Pekudei ha'Eidah", and not 'Kesef ha'Terumah' or 'ha'Tenufah', like it says about the gold and copper?


Da'as Zekenim: Because the Torah only mentions the amount of silver that was obligatory (a half-Shekel for each man). It does not mention how much they gave voluntarily.

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