Why does the Torah write "u'Vetzalel ... Asah Kol asher Tzivah Hashem es Moshe, rather than " ... Kol asher Tzivah oso Moshe"?
Rashi and Ramban (citing the Yerushalmi Pe'ah, 1:1): Because Betzalel did even what Moshe did not tell him - in that Moshe instructed him to manufacture first the Keilim and then to construct the Mishkan, whereas Betzalel reversed the order, 1 just as Hashem had instructed Moshe.
See Tosfos B'rachos, 55a.
Why does the Torah write that Betzalel did everything ... ?
Ramban: It is not to preclude the wise-hearted men who worked together with him. 1 It is to point out that Betzalel not only taught them what to do, but that he also oversaw every aspect of the building and that the workers brought him everything that they did for inspection.
See 36:8 (Ramban).
If Moshe told Betzal'el to build the Keilim first, why did Betzalel reverse the order?
Rashi (citing B'rachos 55a): Betzalel argued that it is customary (and logical) to first build the house and then to bring in the furniture; to which Moshe replied "be'Tzeil Keil Hayisa!" - 'You were in the shadow of Hashem!' This is precisely what Hashem told me. 1
Hadar Zekenim (in 36:8): This was for the sake of honor of the Aron, so that when they made it, they would immediately have a place where to put it.
Ayeles ha'Shachar: In any case, the Mishkan would not be erected until Nisan, so the order should not matter. The Keilim atone for Yisrael, so Moshe thought that it is appropriate to make them first. However Betzalel understand that they atone only after there is a Mishkan and the Shechinah dwells in it.
Ner Uziel (p. 476): Hashem created the world for His honor (Yeshayah 43:7, Avos 6:1). This is fulfilled when He is able to bestow His good to all His creations (Da'as Tevunos 128, Ru'ach Chayim Avos 1:3, DH ve'Na'amik). The Mishkan was a dwelling for the Shechinah which was built for Hashem's honor. Through the Keilim Yisrael receive Kaparah and reward. Therefore Hashem commanded Moshe first about the Keilim. Betzalel understood that Hashem shows precedence to man's reward - but we should show precedence to Hashem's honor 2 , and build the Mishkan first! Moshe understood that Hashem wanted that we come to realize this.
Refer to 38:22:2:1.
Tosfos (55a): In the actual command to build, in Ki Sisa (Perek 31), He commanded first about the Mishkan. (Parshas Terumah taught what they will make, but it is not the actual command. - PF)
Ner Uziel: The Mishkan also honors Yisrael, that the Shechinah will dwell among us. Resting on Shabbos testifies that He created the world, and honors Him. Hashem commanded Moshe about the Mishkan before Shabbos (at the beginning of Ki Sisa), but Moshe commanded Yisrael about Shabbos first (at the beginning of Vayakhel). (The author also pointed out that the Torah says "Chag ha'Matzos" (from which we get reward), and we call it Pesach, to recall the mercy and miracle that Hashem bestowed on us. - PF)
Why does the Torah write Betzalel's lineage three times?
Moshav Zekenim: To correspond with the three attributes that Hashem granted him Chochmah, Tevunah and Da'as ... ."?
Rashi writes that Hashem told Moshe to make the Mishkan first, and Moshe told Betzalel to make the Keilim first. Why did he do that?
Tosfos (B'rachos 55a): Moshe himself relied on Parshas Terumah, where Hashem commanded that the Aron should be built first - even though in Ki Sisa, He mentioned the Mishkan first.
Maharam Shik (B'rachos 55a): Moshe was not conveying the order of which to make first. He mentioned the Aron first because the Torah inside it was the main K'li, to teach people the path to follow. Betzalel commented that presumably, although the Aron was indeed the main objective of the Mishkan, that, if anything, that was a reason to make it last. 1 - 'Sof Ma'aseh be'Machshavah Techilah!'
Maharam Shik, Ibid.: To which Moshe replied Moshe replied, 'You understood the purpose of the Mishkan; this was indeed my intention!'.