
What is the meaning of "v'Shovavticha"?


Rashi: I will make you Shovev (stray from the proper path). Anyone who goes in the freedom of his heart is called Shovev, like "va'Yelech Shovav b'Derech Libo" (Yeshayah 57:17).


Radak: I will break you. This is like "Ki Shovavim Yihyeh Egel Shomron" (Hoshe'a 8:6). Also Chazal said 'matters that are Meshavev man's heart' (Shabbos 87a). I will break your heart until you will want to leave your place to come to Eretz Yisrael. This is like "u'Mashachti Elecha El Nachal Kishon Es Sisera?" (Shoftim 4:7). Hashem will do this so He will be known to all the nations, and He will be sanctified through them.


Malbim: The Chayah will leave its land. I will cause it to leave on its own volition, via Shovevus (waywardness), and Bal Korchah 1 (against its will), via a hook in its jaws.


How can it be both willingly and Bal Korchah? Perhaps He will force some, and cause the others to go willingly; refer to 38:4:4:1. Also in the Crusades, initially a giant mob went with the army! (PF)


What is the significance of "v'Nasati Chachim bi'Lchayecha"?


Rashi: It is normal to take out a Chayah via a hook in its jaws, for it does not want to go out. Also I will put in your heart thoughts and a Yetzer ha'Ra to draw you from your land to come to Eretz Yisrael.


Radak: This is a Mashal. I will draw you like they do to a fish (to pull it out of water).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: I will entice you. The Targum of "v'Chi Yefateh" (Shemos 22:15) is Arei Yeshadel.


Malbim: Refer to 38:4:1:3.


What is "Levushei Michlol Kulam"?


Radak: They are dressed with all kinds of ornaments.


What is the meaning of "Kahal Rav Tzinah u'Magen"?


Radak: [A great congregation] with shields. Malbim ? they protect against swords and arrows. The Kahal Rav will go voluntarily, in addition to the soldiers.

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