
What is the meaning of "Dori Nisa v'Niglah Mini"?


Rashi: People of my generation are uprooted and exiled from me. Nas'u is like Naschu (uprooted) - "Bal Yisa Yesedosav" (33:20).


Radak: My residence [in this world] is exiled from me. This is like "Mador b'Ohalei Rasha" (Tehilim 84:11). Exile is going from place to place.


Malbim: Dor is the time that is Makif (surrounds) a person's life. When the body decays, this Hekef departs, for time by itself is nothing. Chizkiyah compares this Hekef to a tent; when the body is finished, the tent that covered him departs and covers other things in the world - the next generation. It is like a shepherd's tent - when the pasture is finished here, they move the tent to elsewhere, and the place here that was covered, is now exposed. The more times it is uprooted and moved elsewhere, it is distanced further. The more generations that pass, there is more empty time in between. His generation - a ring in the chain of time - is uprooted further into the past.


What is "k'Ohel Ro'i"?


Rashi: Like a tent of shepherds. They move it from here and pitch it elsewhere, when the pasture is finished here. Radak - The Yud at the end of Ro'i is in place of a Hei.


Malbim: Refer to 38:12:1:3.


What is "Kipadti [cha'Oreg Chayai]"?


Rashi: I cut my life quickly, like a weaver who rushes to weave. All this is what I thought (before Hashem answered my prayer).


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: It is a river that has high banks, It flows rapidly, because it does not overflow its banks. I say that it is a mighty river called Oreg - "Yamai Kalu Mini Oreg" (Iyov 7:6).


Radak: Through my sin, I caused my life to be cut, like a weaver cuts the curtain when the weaving is finished.


Malbim: He compares the time allotted to each person to a woven garment, and life itself is like the weaving process. Life is moments connected together, like a woven garment is threads connected and woven until the entire garment is complete - the entire time allotted to a person. Then the garment and the wearer depart, and the man returns to his world. Also Iyov uses this metaphor - "Yamai Kalu Mini Oreg" (Iyov 7:6).


What is the meaning of "mi'Dalah Yevatze'eni"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: I am exiled from the honor of my kingship. I thought that all honor will be cut off from me. Dalah is an expression of pride, like "v'Dalas Roshech" (Shir ha'Shirim 7:6).


Radak: "Yevatze'eni" is reduction and cutting, and similarly, "Yater Tado vi'Yvatze'eni" (Iyov 6:9). The Targum of "Pasos Osah Pitim" (Vayikra 2:6) is Batza Yasah Bitzu'in.


Malbim: Life is moments connected together, like a woven garment (refer to 38:12:3:4). Until now, I tied my life from the spun threads (moments). It was not finished yet. Now, through my illness, You want to finish the garment quickly, in one day. The person's weaving and zealous hands could not finish it, but the illness and weakness can!


What is "mi'Yom v'Ad Laylah Tashlimeni"?


Rashi: This is like "mi'Zachar v'Ad Nekevah" (Bamidbar 5:3), i.e. You will eradicate me from days and nights. Also Yonason translates 'my days and nights finished.'


Radak: On the day of my illness, I said that until night, my days will finish.


Malbim: Refer to 38:12:5:3.


Why does the verse switch from third person (Yevatze'eni) to second person (Tashlimeni)?


Radak: We find like this, e.g. "Shim'u Amim Kulam" (Melachim I, 22:28) and other verses.

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