
Why does the Torah repeat the term "Yad" four times in the course of these three Pesukim (38:28-30)?


Rashi #1: To hint 1 at the four 2 Charamim that Achan, who descended from Zerach, would contravene.


Rashi #2: Corresponding to the four items that Achan, who descended from Zerach, took from the Cherem of Yericho - a Babylonian coat, two bars of silver (each weighing 100 Shekalim), and a piece of gold.


Malbim (to 38:27): This alludes to four descendants of his on whom Hashem put His hand, to give them prophecy and Ru'ach ha'Kodesh - Eisan ha'Ezrachi, Heiman, Kalkol and Darda. 3


Oznayim la'Torah: Just as prior to a person's death, he displays of where he is heading (see Kesuvos 103); so too, when he is born he displays signs of what he is destined to perform in his lifetime. Hence, Zerach stretched out his hand as a sign that his descendant Achan would take from the Cherem.


Refer to 38:30:152 and the notes there.


Based on Divrei Hayamim I 2:6, Melachim I 5:11. Malbim explained "va'Yiten Yad;" he did not connect the number of descendants with the number of times it says "Yad." (PF)


Why did Yehudah call the second son 'Zerach'?


Rashi: On account of the sheen of the red thread. 1


Rashbam: Because "Zerach" really means red. 2


Ha'amek Davar: Tosfos (to Kesuvos 72b DH b'Toveh) says that radiance comes from a red thread.


Rashbam: As we find in Divrei Hayamim II 26:19, and in Melachim II 3:22.



Rashi writes: "The term 'Yad' is written here four times, alluding to the four bans from which his descendant Achan would misappropriate." Why is that event alluded to here?


Gur Aryeh: Peretz and Zerach had inherent symbolism in their names and manner of birth, as decided by Hashem. Peretz would be the ancestor of kings; whereas Zerach would produce Achan, who used his hands to pilfer. Both the king and the thief may "take," but whereas a king may by law appropriate property or services to fill his needs, he does not overtake something that is not rightfully his. The thief oversteps his bounds and sticks his hand even into the forbidden; he is unfit to reign. 1


Gur Aryeh: We explained above (38:25:4.1:1**) that Peretz is represented by the moon - whose light is not overpowering; whereas Zerach is represented by the sun, whose light penetrates into everything.


Rashi writes that the verse hints to four Charamim that Achan contravened. What were they?


Bereishis Rabah (85:14): There were the Cherem of Amalek, of Sichon and Og, of Yericho, and of Kena'ani 1 (some texts - Midyan).


Radak (to Yehoshua 7:20): There were the Cherem of Kena'ani Melech Arad, of Sichon and Og, of Midyan 2 [and Yericho].


Rashi on the Midrash: The text is 'Midyan.' 'Amalek' is Kena'ani Melech Arad (Rashi to Yehoshua 7:20, Matenos Kehunah citing the Yerushalmi). If the text is Kena'ani, 'Amalek' refers to Shemos 17:8-13. Ran (to Sanhedrin 43b) - It says in Shmuel, "v'Hikisa Es Amalek, v'Hacharamtem" (Shmuel I 15:3). (Also when we first fought Amalek, there was a Cherem. - PF)


Maharzu on Bereishis Rabah 85:14: Even though we were permitted to take spoils from Sichon and Og, Achan took idolatry, which is Cherem (Pirkei d'R. Eliezer). We took spoils from Midyan; but Achan did not give his share to the officers to divide among the soldiers.


Rashi writes that the verse hints to four Charamim that Achan contravened; but in Sanhedrin 43b, we find two opinions - that he transgressed three, or five!


Riva (to 38:28); Gur Aryeh #1: Rashi means that he transgressed four in the days of Moshe. 1 The count of five includes Yericho, for which he was caught.


Radak (to Yehoshua 7:20), Maharsha (to Sanhedrin 43b): The text in Sanhedrin should say that he transgressed three or four Charamim.


Divrei David, Gur Aryeh #2: Rashi explains like Bereishis Rabah (refer to 38:30:151:1), unlike the opinions in Sanhedrin. 2


Mizrachi: The verse hints only to those of Moshe, for which he was not punished. Moshav Zekenim - Some say that Hashem did not punish for hidden matters before Yisrael crossed the Jordan River. Some say that He never punished for hidden matters; but Achan's children knew that he took (Sanhedrin 43b). Gur Aryeh - We expound four in the days of Moshe, for his sin of Cherem Yericho itself was like four (refer to 38:30:1:2).


Gur Aryeh: We explained above that Zerach represents the all-pervasive sun, which was suspended in the heavens on the fourth day.

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