
Why is a Zonah referred to as a Kedeshah?


Rashi: Kedeshah means designated for Zenus. 1


See Devarim 23:18. Mizrachi - Kedeshah really means 'designated' - sometimes for the good, sometimes for the bad. In this case, someone designated for Zenus. Tosfos (to Yevamos 79b) - "Lo Sihyeh Kedeshah" (Devarim 23:18) forbids Bi'ah with one who cannot have Kidushin, i.e. a Shifchah.


Why does it say "Lo Hayesah ba'Zeh Kedeshah" (also in 38:22)? It should say Lo Hayah"!


Ha'amek Davar: The people understand that her sitting here was not harlotry. Her action was not Zenus, rather, for a different intent.

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