Why does the Torah ascribe the construction of the Aron to Betzalel?
Rashi: Because he put into its construction more than all the other Chachamim, it is called after him.
Ramban and Seforno: Because he actually constructed it. Refer to 36:8:1:1.
Da'as Zekenim and Rosh: Because his name is the acronym of "be'Tzeil Keil" (in the Shadow of Hashem) - and 'Tzeil Kel' rested on the Aron. 1
Moshav Zekenim and Ba'al ha'Turim (38:1): He was in the shade of Hashem and knew the secret of the Aron and Merkavah, because the Aron corresponds to the Kisei ha'Kavod.
Why did Hashem command that they make the Aron specifically of "Atzei Shitim"?
Da'as Zekenim and Rosh: Because He foresaw that they were destined to sin at Shitim (regarding Arayos and idolatry). 1 Therefore He established [the Aron of Atzei Shitim] to atone for the episode in Shitim. 2
Because a. it was the best type of wood for the Keilim; b. Because it was available. 3
Why did Betzalel make the Aron before all the other Keilim?
Da'as Zekenim and Rosh: Because, just as light was the first creation, as implied by the Pasuk in Tehilim 119:130 "Pesach Devarecha Ya'ir" - so too did Betzalel first make the Aron, since it contained the Torah, which is called light. 1
As the Pasuk writes in Mishlei, 6:23 "Ki Ner Mitzvah ve'Torah Or".
Where were the Luchos placed before Betzalel made the Aron?
Refer to Devarim, 10:1:3:1-3.