
What is the meaning of "mi'Chutz ha'Ofim"?


Rashi: From the baker's market. This is like "v'Chutzos Tasim Lecha v'Damesek" (Melachim I, 20:34).


Radak citing a Midrash: They used to give to him Pas Kiber, which is sold outside the bakery. It is Pas Subin (bran 1 bread).


Rashi (Pesachim 36b) and Rif (10b): Pas Kiber is Pas Subin. The Ran there disagrees, for that is not called bread! Rosh (2:14) - surely they mean that the bran was not removed. (Perhaps another proof is Yerushalmi Sotah 1:8, which lists Kiber, Subin and Morsan as different entities. - PF)


What is the meaning of "va'Yeshev Yirmeyah ba'Chatzer ha'Melech"?


Malbim: He dwelled freely; he was not incarcerated. Above (32:3) it says that Tzidkiyah incarcerated him; this was for telling his Nevu'ah (34:2-3) to the nation. That was afterwards; the Navi is out of order.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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